Movie Night - Reagan - Free Event
Reagan is the cinematic journey that follows the life of Ronald Regan from a child, to the president of the United States and how God touched and guided his life in making our nation great
Friday, January 10th at 7pm
In the upper and lower sanctuary
No tickets necessary. Doors open at 6:30pm
Complementary Popcorn and water
Check out the trailer
Men's Breakfast & Bible Study
Saturday, January 18th at 8am
Breakfast Served from 8-9am
Bible Study from 9-10am
Abundant Life Prayer Walk
Saturday, January 25th at 10am
Join us at Planned Parenthood at 14372 Beach Blvd in Westminster.
Please Park off Hazard.
Super Bowl Viewing & Potluck
Sunday, February 9th at 3pm
Burgers & Hot Dogs will be Provided
Bring appetizers, a side dish or dessert to share.
Activities for the kids.